Embracing the Fire Within: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Passion
One fine day I was strolling through the garden and I saw the smoke coming out of the trash.
I looked at it and suddenly remembered something that I read long back:
“There may be a great fire in our soul, yet no one comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke. — Vincent Van Gogh”
We also see that fire burning in us but, its scary.
We are confused with whether you want to let the fire of passion burn & consume you or blow it off.
Choosing normalcy is not wrong, but forcing yourself into it is nothing more than killing your real self.
If you have watched Tamasha [If not watch it!], Ved did not want that monotony in his life, but he forced himself into it because that seemed correct and like everyone says that is the Ideal purpose.
But since he watered his fire, he became the Ved that even himself did not appreciate.
When you find what you love, go for it!
Don’t let others decide what you should be passionate about, even if they’re family.
Not everyone will come and warm themselves by your fire or understand your passion.
But that is okay!
If you find happiness with a certain person, job, sleep, travelling, Art etc. go ahead with it.
There is nothing wrong in pursuing your happiness and trying to choose for yourself.
Someone once asked me why do write so much about choosing for self is it not selfish?
I say yes it is selfish, that is what is needed, because the whole world is there to tell you you don't need to love yourself or you don't deserve love.
The problem with this ideology is we never really appreciate, love & understand ourselves, so when we do something for others we look for something in return to feel complete, from others & end up being dissatisfied with life.
Till we don't love ourselves we will never sincerely love others. So no one is winning.
Find your purpose, pursue it, yes you may not be successful, you may fail badly but like Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey said: “Some goals are so worthy, its glorious even to fail”
All you need to do is Love & appreciate yourself!